PLU stickers and label applicators blog

Best electric battery operated label gun applicator

Best electric battery operated label gun applicator Do you have plu labels or small labels of any kind, that you want to apply fast and reduce your production time? While...

On by Bold Commerce Collaborator 0 Comments

The Ultimate Buying Guide To Price Gun Labels

Labels. We usually don’t think of them much, but boy, are they important. When you put different marketing tools together, labels offer the most economically friendly solution for your business....

On by Bold Commerce Collaborator 0 Comments

Avery Dennison Monarch 1110 price gun

Avery Dennison Monarch 1110 price gun. Ink rollers and price gun labels in stock. Top authorized dealer.Shop now #Monarchpricegun #americanpricemark #averydennisonmonarch

On by Robert Puzio 0 Comments

Monarch 1142, 1160, 1165 price gun labels

Monarch white labels with security slits for use in Monarch 1142, 1160 & 1165 price labelers, FREE ink roller included.  In stock ready to ship. APM sku MN2615-01

On by Brenda Puzio 0 Comments